Five Types of Content

Five Types of Content Every Brand Should Post on Instagram

Creating a cohesive Instagram brand is becoming more and more important in the world of social media marketing. Learning how to build your Instagram can still be a challenge and that’s why you need the social media team at Velocity Agency on your side! Here are five types of content that every brand should be posting to Instagram: Content That Communicates Your Personality The line between professional and personal on Instagram is beginning to blur because audiences love to see the faces behind the brand! Try posting content that allows your audience to know who you are. You can even …

Thanksgiving Marketing Plan

How to Perfect Your Thanksgiving Marketing Plan

Here at Velocity Agency, we are so excited for Thanksgiving! We have been planning our annual Thanksgiving potluck for a few weeks and our mouths are watering. However, even with food on our radar we are still hard at work helping brands revamp their marketing strategies! Here are some ways to get the most out of your Thanksgiving Marketing plan! Holiday E-Bast Sending personalized emails to your customers to thank them for doing business with you is a great way to market to your audience. It’s important to express your gratitude to your loyal clients and will inevitably keep their …

reddit marketing

Have You Heard of Reddit Marketing | Velocity Agency

Have you heard of Reddit marketing? Reddit is now being used for massive promotion, influence, and reach. Reddit is the most influential social news platform in the world currently and it drives headlines, traffic and new ideas further than any other social network.  Here at Velocity Agency, we take advantage of all platforms and recognize the power of utilizing all the resources that the internet provides. Here are three ways that reddit can be useful for digital marketing. Researching Content Ideas First, you need to find subreddits that are relevant to your industry and find topics and ideas that are …

changes for facebook

Big Changes for Facebook

Have you heard of the changes for Facebook?   A data firm with ties to President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign has reportedly accessed information from 50 million Facebook users without their knowledge, might have kept that data even after Facebook told the company to delete it. Because of the outrage, Facebook has vowed to make the following changes. Awareness Facebook does want to be more transparent about which apps can see your information. Within the next month, Facebook will promote its settings page that lists the apps that have access to your account. When you log into services like Tinder …

social media strategy

The Importance of a Social Media Strategy

Most people don’t think of the word strategy when they think about social media. Most of us are using social media, however, when it comes to social media marketing, there’s a lot more planning, research, and strategy involved. A social media strategy defines how your organization will use social media to achieve their goals. It’s a statement of intent that outlines the goals and measurable objectives for using social media while targeting the outcomes that you want to achieve. Even if your brand is not actively involved in social media, other businesses are, and they are more than likely winning. …

Multiple Hashtags of various sizes and alternating between grey and maroon

Louisiana Marketing Agency | Velocity Agency | All About Hashtags

  By now, you’ve seen hashtags everywhere on your social media platforms. They appear at the corner of the TV screen as you’re watching a highly publicized event, and even on clothing and apparel. Although hashtags are extremely effective on Twitter and Instagram, it still seems to be a grey area to use them on Facebook. We all see hashtags on Facebook, but should we use them for our Facebook marketing strategies? Use Hashtags Sparingly The best aspect of Social Media is that you can monitor and track all of your data. By monitoring Facebook, it is apparent that using …

Mardi Gras and Digital Marketing

Mardi Gras and digital marketing go hand in hand in New Orleans. By now, you’ve probably eaten more king cake than you ever imagined and have already put the pieces of your costume together. For many of us here in New Orleans, our events on Facebook are filled to the brim through Mardi Gras day. The world of social media has revolutionized the way we experience Mardi Gras. It has done this through apps that show the parade routes and events shared with various social media platforms. For those of us who would rather sit at home and experience it …

Virality is Not Always a Good Thing

  All of us share content on social media every day, but many of us don’t stop and take the time to think about where the content comes from. Outside of news stories and media platforms, there is something called a content creator. Ninety percent of marketing companies use content marketing as part of their strategy, but that doesn’t mean all the content they create is top-notching, compelling and valuable content. In the world of social media, there are people who seek fame through the platform of their choosing including Facebook, Instagram, twitter, snapchat and more. People with successful accounts …

Video Marketing on Social Media

The most important strategy in content marketing today is video on every social platform. If you don’t implement a social media video strategy for your accounts, then you will come up short. The platforms of distribution for video content online have shifted drastically over the last few years. Facebook gets more daily minutes watched than YouTube. Additionally, Snapchat’s daily views are now in the billions. Video on Twitter has taken listening and one-to-one branding to a whole new level. Most people think that YouTube is the destination for finding the best video content for their social media pages. 300 hours …

Facebook Data Harvesting: Connecting Users With The Products They Want

  Facebook data is paramount for marketing. You’re scrolling through your newsfeed, you see a sweatshirt that has your name or your profession in a catchphrase, and it’s only $30. It feels weird to see something so distinctly “you” pop up. So, how does Facebook do that? If you feel like Facebook has more ads than usual, you aren’t dreaming it up; Facebook has been hitting all of us with more ads that are more relevant to us. Although it may seem unnerving at first, Facebook’s data collection tools are fascinating and can often connect users with products they want. …