CALL: 504-250-4727
When you have an amazing design or idea for a new product or business, it's hard to formulate a plan. Designing a product is already hard enough and even more so when you also need to find a way to produce it at a fair price. As a full-service agency, Velocity Agency can take care of it all. Your merchandise is the bread and butter of your business operation. Velocity Agency is so much more than a traditional marketing agency. When clients come to us with product or business ideas, we help them execute the concept from start to finish. Have an idea for a product that can peel an orange for you?
Velocity Agency will have the best members of the team there to help you:
- Concept the design
- Find vendors to supply parts
- Establish a supply chain
- Find manufacturing
- Find warehousing

Beyond these steps, Velocity will help you find the right businesses, vendors, and locations to sell your product in. By carefully evaluating the idea we can recommend the quickest path to profit for your business, be it infomercials, dedicated stores, online marketing, or sales through a middleman.
Without anything to sell, you won’t be much of a business at all - especially if the product is underwhelming. A good business differentiates itself through well designed, high quality, merchandise that provides value to the targeted consumer. If you have an idea for a business but need help designing the merchandise, call Velocity today. Our expert design team has the years of experience necessary to design top quality merchandise that innovates and excites consumers!