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The internet is powered by all types of content: videos, pictures, and copy. Copy, which is the written content on a web page, is the most common and possibly the most important type of content on the internet. Velocity Agency understands the importance of great copy. In fact, you are reading it right now. Copy is what helps direct search engines, inform readers, and convey complex information. Effective website copy is vital for any site that wants to expand its reach. Copy engages readers, provides them with the information they seek, and ultimately converts those readers into customers.
Copy engages readers, provides them with the information they seek, and ultimately converts those readers into customers.
Most copy can be separated into two primary categories: static and dynamic. Both of these forms of copy has one or more of four main goals: entertain, persuade, educate, and convert. Static copy is typically used to provide information that is essential to the website, such as sales pages, informational content and how-to guides. Velocity’s static copy aims to educate and convert and comes into play after people already are on the website. Dynamic copy typically refers to blog posts, which may not always be visible to new visitors but will remain hosted on the blog. Typically, Velocity’s dynamic copy aims to entertain and persuade and is effectively key-worded through sound SEO strategy to bring people to the website.
Your website content should do more than just present information. It needs to engage the reader, boost your search engine rankings and reinforce your brand. Writing web page copy may seem like a simple task, but at Velocity, we know that strategy is important. The copy that we write for your website is optimized to help your website to rank on search engine pages across the board. By using specific keywords, phrases, and objectives, Velocity is able to entice the consumer to read on and relay your company’s message in a concise yet interesting manner.