social media strategy

The Importance of a Social Media Strategy

Most people don’t think of the word strategy when they think about social media. Most of us are using social media, however, when it comes to social media marketing, there’s a lot more planning, research, and strategy involved. A social media strategy defines how your organization will use social media to achieve their goals. It’s a statement of intent that outlines the goals and measurable objectives for using social media while targeting the outcomes that you want to achieve. Even if your brand is not actively involved in social media, other businesses are, and they are more than likely winning. …

Surviving Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Not long ago, Black Friday was a one-day event. Now, Black Friday sales seem to last an entire season. Brands launch sale days in advance and stretch out the holiday shopping season as long as possible. Some shoppers seem to be losing interest in Black Friday. There has been a 72% decrease in social media conversations about Black Friday since 2012. While Black Friday is on the decline, the internet is favoring Cyber Monday. The decline in Black Friday is due mostly to the negative presence on social media. More than half of the conversations on social media surrounding Black …

Free Office Online: Microsoft’s New Strategy | Velocity Agency | New Orleans, LA

A couple of years back my colleagues and I were discussing the importance of Google’s entrance into the cloud services space, and how their new service, Google Docs, would benefit small businesses and individuals. The proposition was simple: give us a bit of your personal information by signing up for a GMail account, and we’ll let you create, edit and share documents à la Microsoft Office. Initially, the sentiment was that such an underpowered, cloud-only productivity software wouldn’t meet the needs of consumers. That sentiment WAS correct. Fast forward seven years, Google Docs has grown and now integrates many of …