reddit marketing

Have You Heard of Reddit Marketing | Velocity Agency

Have you heard of Reddit marketing? Reddit is now being used for massive promotion, influence, and reach. Reddit is the most influential social news platform in the world currently and it drives headlines, traffic and new ideas further than any other social network.  Here at Velocity Agency, we take advantage of all platforms and recognize the power of utilizing all the resources that the internet provides. Here are three ways that reddit can be useful for digital marketing. Researching Content Ideas First, you need to find subreddits that are relevant to your industry and find topics and ideas that are …

2017: The Age of Hackers

  2017 has been a year full of high-profile data breaches from hackers. Consumer credit score company Equifax revealed that hackers accessed up to 143 million customer account details on July 29th. This breach means that details such as names, social security numbers, driver’s licenses, and credit card numbers from more than 200,000 people have potentially been stolen. Verizon announced that phone numbers, names, and pin codes of six million Verizon customers were left online for nine days. Voter data belonging to almost 200 million Americans have been found online. Chipotle’s payment system was hacked resulting in hundreds of people’s …

What Internet Privacy Rollbacks Means For Marketers

Online advertising is an $83 billion market – meaning that digital marketing is imperative. Recently, Congress made a decision that is bound to disrupt the internet marketing world. Congress voted to put the brakes on Internet privacy rules set in place by the Obama Administration. The online privacy protections that were set into motion in October 2016 are regarded as revolutionary legislation. And now, the Trump Administration is being given the option to retract these protections. This event presents marketers with a tremendous opportunity, but should they capitalize on it? The doors are opening for marketers (but, really, they are …

SnapChat: The Myth Of Online Privacy

If you got into the SnapChat bandwagon on the pretenses that your information was secure, you may have been disappointed to learn that 4.6 million numbers and usernames were leaked last week. SnapChat, silicon’s favorite startup, had taken pride in being a more private and secure alternative to other networks such as Facebook and Instagram. After the hacking, SnapChat tried to downplay the situation causing outrage from a lot of users. In the end, the individuals who claimed to be behind SnapChatDB, explained that they were only putting pressure on the network to fix their security flaws. These flaws had …