Mardi Gras and Digital Marketing

Mardi Gras and digital marketing go hand in hand in New Orleans. By now, you’ve probably eaten more king cake than you ever imagined and have already put the pieces of your costume together. For many of us here in New Orleans, our events on Facebook are filled to the brim through Mardi Gras day. The world of social media has revolutionized the way we experience Mardi Gras. It has done this through apps that show the parade routes and events shared with various social media platforms. For those of us who would rather sit at home and experience it …

Video Marketing on Social Media

The most important strategy in content marketing today is video on every social platform. If you don’t implement a social media video strategy for your accounts, then you will come up short. The platforms of distribution for video content online have shifted drastically over the last few years. Facebook gets more daily minutes watched than YouTube. Additionally, Snapchat’s daily views are now in the billions. Video on Twitter has taken listening and one-to-one branding to a whole new level. Most people think that YouTube is the destination for finding the best video content for their social media pages. 300 hours …