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While the fact remains that advertising works and works well as every bit of research shows, it can be hard to get consumers truly excited about interacting with your business. In fact, if you asked customers about their preferences, they would probably tell you that they prefer not to interact with businesses if they can avoid it. So how do you reach those customers that take a more cynical view of the advertising cycle?
The idea of a promotion is as old as business itself. To drum up sales, you encourage customers to interact with your brand and buy your product with the promise of free products or deep discounts as a reward for doing so. However, while the idea is old, the methodology for executing such a concept has changed dramatically over the recent years. Platforms such as Facebook have provided businesses around the world with easy opportunities to interact with consumers around the world at the touch of a button. A popular giveaway on Facebook or other social media platforms can reach levels of engagement previously unthinkable for most businesses.
The answer lies in running well designed promotions.

When you’re trying to engage a customer, it can often be easier to make them reach out to you than it is to reach out to them. With the help of promotions and giveaways, Velocity can ensure that your customers are clamoring to come to you and not the other way around. The intention is to raise a customer's interest and influence purchase by making a particular product or company stand out among its competitors. Promotional giveaways we have done for clients such as Mercedes-Benz of Mobile have netted thousands of likes and dramatic increases in sales and brand awareness. If you are looking to run efficient and effective promotions to help boost sales and awareness about your brand or to get attention for a new product release, contact Velocity Agency today. Our expert marketing team is standing by to help push your next sales cycle to the next level!