The Pets of Velocity Agency

Do you love pets? You’ve met all the humans of Velocity, but now it’s time to meet the Veloci-dogs! In honor of National Dog Day, we thought we’d introduce you to our favorite furballs!   Layla Sutton, Social Media Manager “This is Brother! I named him this because I have a younger brother who lives in VA that I am really close to and when I moved to New Orleans it was hard to not live in the same area as him. I got him in January when he was 6 weeks old so that I would have a walking …

MySpace’s Decline into Facebook’s Uprising

Move over Tom! Oh, hi, Mark! Long before you were on Facebook, there was a site that many of us had a space on that was just for us. It was appropriately named MySpace, and everyone quickly jumped on board to have one. In the spring of 2008, MySpace was the top social media site in the world. In April of that same year, Facebook grabbed the lead and never looked back. Over the next three years, Myspace would lose over forty million unique visitors per month, lose both of its co-founders, and lay off most of their staff. How …

Heating Up Your Summer Marketing

Summer is usually one of the perfect times for a vacation. The weather is beautiful, kids are off from school, and people tend to take things slower than usual. As everyone takes a break from the rest of the year, however, marketing brands and entrepreneurs may want to use this time to get ahead of the curve. Though the season can be a slower one for some companies, summer promises a time for new opportunities in promotion, something that can affect business for the rest of the year. One way to do this is to understand the certain trends that …

Instagram Marketing

5 Benefits Of Instagram Marketing Instagram marketing is one of the few, easy to use, free marketing tools that every entrepreneur or business owner can utilize. With over 700 million users, Instagram has become one of the best and most popular photo sharing platforms, enabling you to engage with your followers by posting photographs, images, and even short videos. When someone takes the time to edit and post a picture to Instagram, that photo means something. People don’t just upload any old selfie to Instagram; they make sure it has the perfect lighting and filter before posting. With all the …

Let’s Talk About Layla!

Who’s ready to meet another proud employee of Velocity Agency? I know we always are! Today we give the spotlight to Layla Sutton, our newest addition to the social media department! Layla hails from a small town in Snow Hill, North Carolina, but her love of music brought her to New Orleans. Upon her first trip to New Orleans, she fell in love with the food, culture and most importantly the vibrant musical climate. Growing up doing music in church, she transitioned to being on her high school drumline and continued her passion for music education at East Carolina University. …

Heineken vs. Pepsi: How to Leverage Today’s Sociopolitical Climate

Today’s sociopolitical climate makes it essential for companies to tread lightly when it comes to advertisement. By now, you’ve probably heard all about the latest Pepsi ad. Many argue that any publicity, whether negative or positive, is good publicity. Pepsi has been swept up in controversy in connection with an ad that depicted Kendall Jenner solving the tension between protesters and police with a can of soda and a smile. This controversial ad did not go over well with its audience and was pulled almost immediately after it aired. However, Pepsi’s mentions on social media were up more than 7,000% …

#TBT: Business Edition

Throwback Thursday has been a popular ongoing Internet trend and for good reasons. The nostalgia factor combined with the ability to bring old friends and family members together are enough to make #tbt a fun weekly event. However, if used correctly, the Throwback Thursday hashtag can also be a helpful tool for a modern business. All you have to do is remember the Throwback Thursday etiquette. #TBT Every business strives to be relevant, and nothing makes brands more relevant than participating in modern social media movements. Jumping into trends like Throwback Thursday shows a clear attention to popular culture. In addition, …

A New Face For Social Media

As business continues to boom Velocity Agency continues to grow. We’d like to introduce you to the newest person to join our team, Danielle Doty. Danielle will be handling the social media accounts for some of our beloved clients. Danielle was born a military brat (her words) in southern California. Not long after she was born her family was stationed in New Orleans, LA. She had the quintessential NOLA childhood filled with crawfish, Mardi Gras, and many rides on the Ladybug at City Park. In 2011, she decided she needed a DRASTIC change of scenery. She moved to the snowy mountain town …

Holiday Sales: What You’re Doing Wrong

Wow, where has the time gone? 2016 has seemingly flown by and we are looking at the start of a new year. However, if you are a business owner you know that you don’t want to get too far ahead of yourself. After all, the end of the year push can equal big sales. The National Retail Federation estimated that holiday sales in 2016 (sales from November and December) would rise 3.6% over the same period last year. Just how much sales are we talking about? $655.8 billion. That is a staggering number, one that can leave your head spinning …

Twitter rolls out Moments and Facebook test Reactions

The next time you login to Twitter you will notice a new icon on the bottom of your screen. The lightning bolt icon will allow you to access Twitter’s newest feature, Moments. Moments gives you access to trending stories on Twitter along with the most relevant tweets. There are several topic areas in Moments: Today, News, Sports, Entertainment, and Fun. When you first enter Moments you will default onto the Today section, which is a collection of stories and videos from the various sections. News is selection of hard news stories and videos. For instance, when I logged in, I …