St. Patrick’s Day: A New Orleans Tradition?

St. Patrick’s Day has been recognized all over the country since 1737, but no place celebrates it quite like Louisiana. On March 17th every year, you’re treated to yet another great opportunity for fun, music, and New Orleans’ most famous form of celebration: parades. St. Patrick’s Day History Of course, the New Orleans celebration of the Irish Saint Patrick owes a lot to the original Irish Christians who brought the day with them to the United States. With the festive day taking place in the middle of the restrictive Lenten period since the early 17th century, religious observers were quick to take …

Velocity Agency’s Mardi Gras Guide

It’s that time of the year again. You might call it Mardi Gras or maybe carnival season, but no matter what you call it you know that it is one big party. For those not already in the know, Mardi Gras day is Fat Tuesday, which falls on the 28th of February this year. The day can change every year but a quick search of “when is Mardi Gras” will help you mark your calendar. Just let this Mardi Gras guide explain the rest! If you grew up in the greater New Orleans area there is a good chance that …

Put Your Town on the Map: Increase Tourism

Hello, is there anybody out there? So, you’re part of a small town in the middle of what some might call “no where,” but you know that in reality your town is so much more than that. In fact, you might say that your town is something special, some place not only worth visiting, but a place that should be on everyone’s travel lists. The only problem is, how do you let others know what your town has to offer? Let’s face it, domestic travel is on the rise and plenty of small towns are cashing in. However, there are many …

End of the Year Travel Trips

Just because the year is almost over doesn’t mean that you can’t still enjoy some R&R. Let’s take a look at some of the leading travel trends of 2016. Hopefully, you will find the motivation necessary to cash in some of your vacation days. Leading into 2016, 99% of Baby Boomers were planning to travel for leisure. In many cases multiple trips were planned. However, just because you may not be a baby boomer you should still be considering a vacation. Studies suggest that “young” travelers account for up to 20% of the money spent on travel.   If you’re …

Get the Most out of Your Tourism Marketing

Like most industries, the travel & tourism has had to adapt to changes in technology. Rather than visiting travel agencies, consumers have moved to self-researching online when planning or booking a trip. This has had an enormous effect on tourism marketing strategies. In an increasingly technological world, digital campaigns are the best way to get your destination in front of eyeballs. Here are a few ways to create successful destination marketing campaigns:   Adapt to consumer trends. We’ve already mentioned that individuals planning a vacation turn to the Internet for direction. At Velocity Agency, we dive in deeper. Knowing when your target audience is booking their …

3 More Reasons Why New Orleans Should Host Every Super Bowl

Nate Scott published an article in USA today giving 10 reasons why New Orleans should be the only city to host a Super Bowl and as a local I agree. I want to expand on what he offered, and I may reiterate a few of his points here, but I want to expand on them as a local. Resiliency For one thing, New Orleanians are resilient. We recovered from Katrina, the costliest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic with $108 billion in property damage. Five years later we dealt with and overcame the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the largest accidental …