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In the year 2017, 81% of Americans had some form of a social media profile. As of 2020, almost 3 billion people worldwide are utilizing social media. With so many people connected to the world of social media, your business can’t afford to not to be active in the digital spaces your consumers regularly occupy. Velocity Agency's social media management team makes certain that all of our clients possess effective, professional, and influential social media platforms.
Social media profiles afford businesses many unique opportunities that cannot be replicated elsewhere. Specifically, there are strong advantages in advertising and relationship building with your clients. Due to the amount of information people provide on their social media profiles, social media services can offer businesses unparalleled targeting capabilities for any ads or promoted posts that run on the platform.
Communicating with customers has never been more important.

Platforms such as Twitter allow users across the world to have real-time conversations about you and your products. In fact, even if you have no social media presence, the chances are good that your customers are already talking about you or your products. To leave your social media unmonitored is to excuse yourself from being able to participate in these important conversations. If customers were unhappy with a new feature on a product and venting their frustrations online, wouldn’t you want to know?
Monitoring these conversations can be tedious and time-consuming. Most business owners have too much to worry about to invest the amount of time and effort effective social media management requires. When you hire Velocity Agency to help manage your social media assets, you don’t just get canned posts about your business. You get a dedicated team that will work to grow your social media profile while sparking conversations with your customers, pushing engagement, and generating interest in products.
If you are looking for help setting up, revamping, or monitoring your social media profiles for your business, contact Velocity Agency. Our social media wizards have decades of experience monitoring various social media platforms and raising engagement with users around the world. Call Velocity Agency today and learn more about our social media offerings and more!