Google’s and Facebook’s Mistakes Following the Las Vegas Massacre

You’ve heard it over and over again no matter how much you’ve tried to ignore it: fake news. Fake news is used to describe a political story which is seen as damaging to an agency, entity, or person. The printing and dissemination of fake news isn’t a new concept. However, in the past, it has been easy for people to understand which news story is inherently false. Last Monday Morning, many Americans woke up to the heartbreaking news of the Las Vegas Massacre which killed at least 59 people and injured more than 500. Google and Facebook displayed false reports …

Velocity Agency Recognized As One of the Top PPC Agencies in New Orleans

Recently, Velocity Agency was recognized as one of the top PPC agencies in New Orleans by UpCity! UpCity describes Velocity Agency as “one of the most reputable, and commendable partners providing paid search and digital advertising services for small and medium-sized business.” We are incredibly proud of this great honor and to be one of the top pay per click advertising agencies in New Orleans!We know that Google pay per click advertising is one of the best ways for our clients to get their name and brand out into the market and are proud to be recognized for the hard …

It’s Time To Go Digital

A blog about blogs? Let this blog serve as both a reminder and an example of the importance of having a modern digital presence. First, it is a blog so it is by nature digital. Secondly, you found it by either exploring our website or searching for information on the importance of digital marketing and advertising. The moment this blog was posted we significantly increased our chances of bringing our content to you the consumer. We decided on a blog because in this digital age audiences are looking to be reached via digital mediums. It’s the basics of supply and …

GOOGLE: Better Than YELP

To YELP quite literally means “to Howl, Yap, Screech, or Cry.” Think about that the next time you regard a “Yelper” as a legitimate anything. Since moving to New Orleans from the REAL culinary capital of the South, Lafayette, my girlfriend and I have made it a goal to try a different culinary establishment each week and give it a true taste-test. Being the Google AdWords Manager at Velocity Agency, it is my natural instinct to Google “Best Restaurant Near Me” rather than ask locals. Upon searching, there is a bevy of places that pop up. I narrow my destination …

Virtual reality in the palm of your hand

As technology increases at an exponential rate, the public is being integrated into the technological realm faster and faster. With advancements such as 3D printers, voice recognition software and hover boards, the world we inhabit is slowly becoming what was once only imagined in a sci-fi movie. Thanks to another innovation by Google, virtual reality has become a physical reality. Google Cardboard has brought the world of virtual reality to the comfort of your home, in the palm of your hand. Cardboard gives the user full submersion into a 360-degree virtual world. The purpose of Cardboard is to encourage the …

Taking Tips from the Experts: Make Your YouTube Legendary

  I know we’re a little late on the game, but the team at Velocity Agency would like to formally wish Youtube a happy anniversary! While Youtube is now well into its tenth year (It shares its birthday with Valentine’s Day), the site has yet to blow out the candles on its celebration. This past week Google continued the festivities and released a comprehensive list of the best Youtube videos, ever. Over the past ten years, viewers have been unknowingly taking part in a vote for the most memorable and groundbreaking ads of the decade. Millions of views, paired with the opinions …

Google Grants some Users the Right to be Forgotten | Velocity Agency | New Orleans

For their next trick, Google will now make you disappear… About a week ago, Google out of Europe created a request form regarding outdated, inaccurate or inappropriate search results to be removed by the “Right to be Forgotten.” More than 50 million people live in the area affected by Google’s potential purge, and so far Google has received over 41,000 requests to have content removed (and counting).Within the first 24 hours the site posted the form’s publication, over 12,000 requests were sent to Google seeking to remove personal content. Google supervisors estimated 7 requests per-minute since the form’s availability on …

Universal Analytics Reaches Prime Time with Tracking Changes

Roll out the red-carpet, Google’s Universal Analytics has left beta and has already begun changing the way visits to our devices are tracked. Since the introduction of Universal Analytics in 2012, Google has been hard at work looking at additional means for marketers to track user engagement with their websites to increase conversions. Last week Google, doing what they do best, unveiled a consolidated view for tracking user engagement on separate devices in one easy to see report. How it works? In the digital age, it’s safe to assume that a large part of your target market utilizes multiple channels …

Google’s ‘Shelfie’ Prank Becomes Latest Feature | Velocity Agency | New Orleans, LA

Following Popularity of April Fools Feature, Google Releases ‘Shelfie’ April Fools: the day for pranksters rolls around every April 1st, evoking joy or dread, depending on whether or not you’re a lover of schadenfreude. Never one to be outdone by others, tech-giant Google launched a salvo of its own pranks last Tuesday. Between transforming Google Maps into an augmented reality game of Pokémon and the invention of the Magic Hand, a device that lets mobile users text and surf the web on their tablets and phones without lifting a finger, the company made a huge splash. “Shelfie” Prank Becomes Permanent …

Free Office Online: Microsoft’s New Strategy | Velocity Agency | New Orleans, LA

A couple of years back my colleagues and I were discussing the importance of Google’s entrance into the cloud services space, and how their new service, Google Docs, would benefit small businesses and individuals. The proposition was simple: give us a bit of your personal information by signing up for a GMail account, and we’ll let you create, edit and share documents à la Microsoft Office. Initially, the sentiment was that such an underpowered, cloud-only productivity software wouldn’t meet the needs of consumers. That sentiment WAS correct. Fast forward seven years, Google Docs has grown and now integrates many of …