Taking Tips from the Experts: Make Your YouTube Legendary

  I know we’re a little late on the game, but the team at Velocity Agency would like to formally wish Youtube a happy anniversary! While Youtube is now well into its tenth year (It shares its birthday with Valentine’s Day), the site has yet to blow out the candles on its celebration. This past week Google continued the festivities and released a comprehensive list of the best Youtube videos, ever. Over the past ten years, viewers have been unknowingly taking part in a vote for the most memorable and groundbreaking ads of the decade. Millions of views, paired with the opinions …

To Vine or Not To Vine, 4 Ways Your Brand Can Benefit

                                                                                                         Photo Via FamousBlogger  As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words (or $1 billion if you’re in the Instagram camp). But what could be more powerful than an image? Try a six-second video. Everyday more businesses are joining the Vine bandwagon to experiment with video …