Thinking Outside The (Tinder) Box

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve certainly heard about the popular dating app, Tinder, by now. The app currently hosts over 1.6 Billion user profiles with more than 50 million of those users spending at least 1 hour a day on the app, to complete roughly 1 billion swipes per day. It’s no wonder that Tinder is working hard to launch its paid advertising features. While paid advertising is still limited and not openly available as of yet, its easy to imagine the value of strategically targeted advertising for such actively engaged users.  The app itself has already …

Responsive Web Design Benefits | Velocity Agency | New Orleans

Mobile traffic has been a concern ever since the first mobile browsers came out, which could display links and small images on mobile phones. Today, Responsive Design has taken over and a new wave of improvements to mobile websites is underway. Modern websites can automatically fit any size of display and arrange content accordingly. Responsive design enhances the user experience and creates a perception that they are custom-designed for any device: tablet, smartphone, laptop, or desktop computer. Some companies/brands, however, don’t fully understand the benefits of responsive design. Generally, this is due to a decision maker’s lack of understanding the …

Super Bowl 2015: The Best and Worst Ads | Velocity Agency | New Orleans, LA

This year’s game stunned us, and it wasn’t just the final score or what some are calling the worst play call in Super Bowl history. It was the brands. While some of last night’s commercials were inspiring, some should serve as a cautionary tale for years to come. Specifically, Anheuser-Busch aired a sarcastic attack ad against the ever-growing craft beer industry. At first glance, one might understand their stance, as their dominant market share has slowly started to erode due to the growth of the craft beer industry. The moment that gave many viewers pause was the us-versus-them declaration of, “Let …

Developing your own Brand as a Marketing Agency | Velocity Agency | New Orleans

“If winning isn’t everything, why do they keep score?” – Vince Lombardi Pro Tools, Adobe InDesign, and YouTube tutorials have made everyone a competitor in an already flooded industry. One of the most overlooked and underrated keys to success in this industry is to develop and maintain a strong personal brand. We so often focus on branding and marketing our clients and forget to market and brand ourselves. What sets us apart? What differentiates our services? What makes us a better solution for current and potential clients than a kid in his underwear, sitting in his or her parents’ basement? Branding …

Pin it to win it, Pinterest’s Value on the Rise | Velocity Agency | New Orleans

Pinterest has made it to the big league of social networks! Last Thursday the four-year old company announced it’s raised investment of $200 million that now puts the scrapbook-like site valued at an unbelievable $5 billion. Needless to say, procrastinating college females are not surprised. Regardless of the small revenue Pinterest generates, the site seems to be climbing in the eyes of venture capitalists. Given the risen value of 32 percent of the company from just seven months ago- we have to agree. One of the reasons Pinterest attracts so many users is the concept of “doing” behind the network. …

Google’s ‘Shelfie’ Prank Becomes Latest Feature | Velocity Agency | New Orleans, LA

Following Popularity of April Fools Feature, Google Releases ‘Shelfie’ April Fools: the day for pranksters rolls around every April 1st, evoking joy or dread, depending on whether or not you’re a lover of schadenfreude. Never one to be outdone by others, tech-giant Google launched a salvo of its own pranks last Tuesday. Between transforming Google Maps into an augmented reality game of Pokémon and the invention of the Magic Hand, a device that lets mobile users text and surf the web on their tablets and phones without lifting a finger, the company made a huge splash. “Shelfie” Prank Becomes Permanent …