Getting Your Thing To Succeed Using Social Media In 2014

It’s been established that if you want your thing to succeed in today’s information based society you must be advertising online and using social media. Online ads and social media campaigns have the ability to target exact demographics and give consumers, businesses, and event planners the ability to interact in a much more powerful and engaging way than traditional forms of advertising like television, radio, and news.  However, choosing which social media sites to utilize has become a very important and often overlooked step in getting your thing to succeed in the social media world.  From the giants of social media like, Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter to sites …

Debunking Social Media Myths

There are a lot of social media myths out there. Are you still questioning why your business should be on social media?  I can’t tell you how many times I have had this conversation; it is pretty common for small businesses to question why they should be on social media. The main reason is that many can’t understand how social media can truly benefit their business and impact their bottom line. But with 72% of Internet users on some type of social media, your business cannot afford to ignore this communication channel.  In an effort to help you decide whether …

RIP Google Reader

While it’s certainly not the first product Google has axed, the loss of the Reader service today has received more backlash than any previous cut from the tech giant’s team. For the past eight years, millions of loyal users have relied on Google Reader for their daily dose of internet news, all provided in one simple feed. As of midnight on July 1st, these fans will have to find a new RSS home for good. So, if there were so many loyal fans, then why did Google put an end to Reader? There are several clear reasons, and more will …