Are Millennials Killing Business?

If you’ve crossed any business or marketing site you’ve probably heard the news about how millennials are business killers, ruining once proud businesses with their own culture. Things like the golf industry, the wine industry, and even McDonald’s have seen a slight decrease in value in recent reports, leading most market experts to blame these events on the rise in Millennials coming of age. From some headlines (“Are Millennials Killing Credit?”), readers would not be remiss in considering this the end of days. Are 20-30-somethings really single-handedly ruining the country’s economy though? The answer to that is of course not. …

Betting on Millennials: Mobile Marketing Now

Face the Facts: We are in the age of the millennial. In 2015 the US. Census reported that millennials now makeup the largest generation in the country. Additionally, it’s believed that Generation X will pass the Baby Boomers within the next ten years. This will result in the Baby Boomer generation becoming third in terms of population, and it is shrinking.¹ 2+2=4 So, what does that mean for the casino industry? To put it simply, casinos need to adapt to the changing population. This means that the priorities of millennials need to be taken into account. Most casinos will look …

Advertising Through Snapchat

Have you heard of advertising through Snapchat?  Most people’s social media experience is limited to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but odds are you have at least heard of the popular smartphone app Snapchat, with over 100 million daily users and 400 million “snaps” made per day. Snapchat is a social media application that allows you to send photos or videos to your friends and family. The app also lets you video chat with friends who happen to be on at the same time as you. It’s a convenient way to instantly connect with people who are probably closer to you …

Tumblr May Soon Be Owned by Yahoo

Tumblr might soon be owned by Yahoo. Ya-who? The faded Web pioneer announced on Sunday that they are moving forward with their plan to buy Tumblr for $1.1 billion–in cash. The company is desperately trying to reposition themselves as the tech industry gets increasingly more social media focused, but can Tumblr save Yahoo from oblivion? As a spunky, social media startup, Tumblr has a well-defined experience that attracts a loyal following among millennials. Tumblr has a lot of credibility among the audience that Yahoo is desperate to grasp; yet the concern among users is that Tumblr will loose its appeal …