SnapChat: The Myth Of Online Privacy


If you got into the SnapChat bandwagon on the pretenses that your information was secure, you may have been disappointed to learn that 4.6 million numbers and usernames were leaked last week. SnapChat, silicon’s favorite startup, had taken pride in being a more private and secure alternative to other networks such as Facebook and Instagram. After the hacking, SnapChat tried to downplay the situation causing outrage from a lot of users.

In the end, the individuals who claimed to be behind SnapChatDB, explained that they were only putting pressure on the network to fix their security flaws. These flaws had been identified by Gibson Security and reported to SnapChat on Christmas Eve. The network failed to take action and as users rang in the New Year, their information was being leaked online.

But SnapChat is not the first network to experience hacking. Just in the new year other tech giants such as Sony, Yahoo, and Skype have fallen victims to hackers. As researchers claim that these companies should honor their promises to keep user information secure, I believe that online privacy in this age is nothing more than a myth.

Everyone should be aware and realize that there is no such thing as privacy on the internet. Whether it’s a social network, an app that “erases” your messages after being sent, a shopping account, or even your personal email, nothing is 100% secure. Remember, the internet was created to share and make information available publicly -not privately.

Earlier this week, Facebook was slapped with a lawsuit for allegedly scanning users ‘private’ messages. Those ‘private’ messages sent on Facebook get stored in databases that could potentially be hacked as well. Facebook offers a free platform where users can share their information with other users, but we tend to forget that these networks are businesses as well and whether we like it or not, they need to capitalize on something.

Remember, the minute you sign up for these networks, apps, email accounts, etc., your information is at risk of getting hacked. Should these companies try harder to keep information secure? Absolutely. Should they be more transparent on the way they use our information? Of course. Online privacy does not exist nor will it, the only way to keep your information safe? Don’t share it. But if you do be smart and do not share information you would not want to have released.

What are your thoughts on internet privacy? Share responsibly!

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