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Popular Memes of 2013
Velocity Agency has looked through a year’s worth of internet nonsense and global inside jokes to bring you what we deem the most popular memes of 2013. Read through this quick list of top memes of 2013, and check out our versions of them!
Wrecking Ball
Miley Cyrus’ music video, Wrecking Ball, inspired thousands of memes, a vine that went viral and various Halloween costume interpretations due to its raunchy nature.
Peak search interest: September 8, 2013.
Cats, pigs, squirrels, hamsters, bears….Doge. This year’s animal meme goes to a doge. Yes, a doge. This Shiba Inu came across as sometimes cute and sometimes creepy. With the history of this meme detailed in a lengthy buzzfeed article, and the birth of its own currency, it makes you wonder, “Much why.”
Peak search interest: still climbing.
60-year-old girl
It started out as a joke between a husband and wife, and became an internet sensation. A little girl that looks 60 continues to inspire new photos every day.
Peak search interest: still climbing.
Harlem Shake
This one dates all the way back to February, and it got viral so fast that it was mentioned in the YouTube trending blog and spawned remakes from groups and entities ranging from colleges and sports teams to celebrities and politicians. The only place this video probably wasn’t popular, was in Harlem.
Peak Search Interest: February 2013
Unflattering Beyoncé
This unfortunate, yet candid, photo of Beyoncé performing was an instant success in the meme community. It spawned even more interest when her publicist repeatedly asked that the unflattering images be removed.
Peak Search Interest: February 2013
Ryan Gosling Won’t Eat His Cereal
This popular series of vines shows a spoonful of cereal being fed to Ryan Gosling in his most dramatic performances. Fans then went and created compilations and even did their own take on the meme with other celebrities, making Vine even more important when it comes to online content and memes. But then again, it is Ryan Gosling.
Peak Search Interest: July 2013
Grumpy Cat
Although Grumpy Cat originated in 2012, peak interest continued throughout 2013, even earning the “Meme of the Year” Award at the 2013 Webby Awards. Tardar Sauce, or “Tard,” has gained such popularity in 2013, that she has been on the cover of the Wall Street Journal and New York Magazine. She also makes appearances and has even gotten herself a manager. Not sure what she has to be grumpy about, but the world thanks her for the face that God gave her.
Peak Search Interest: December 2012 & March 2013
Obama Skeet Shooting
The White House released a photo of President Obama skeet shooting in early January 2013, and then began the onslaught of photoshopped versions of the image. Seriously, White House, didn’t you know this would happen?
Peak Search Interest: February 2013
What Does The Fox Say
Norwegian comedy music group, Ylvis, released “The Fox” in September 2013, a music video exploring what the fox says. The video quickly went viral in the first month with over 50 million views on YouTube and hitting number 29 on the US Billboard Hot 100 Top Singles Chart. Spoof videos were also generated by fans and the casts of SNL and Glee.
Peak Search Interest: October 2013
Hey Girl
Even though Hey Girl was created in 2008 and gained most notoriety in 2012, we had to include this on our list of popular memes for 2013 because…Ryan Gosling.
Peak Search Interest: February 2012 & January 2013