Saying Goodbye to 2016

In what seems like a blink of an eye 2016 has flown by. With only a few days left in the year we thought we would use this time to discuss some of the highlights from our year as well as get a feel for what 2017 may have in store. In 2016 we took our already strong team and made it even stronger with the additions of some amazing people. You’ve already met many of them via our recent blogs and the ones you haven’t met will be blogged about within the coming weeks. In addition to the new …

Jingle Jangle Jingle: Unwrapping Mr. Bingle

Hey, folks! Jared here. If you read the blog about me then you know I was born and raised in New Jersey. So, it will come as no surprise to you that when it comes to Louisiana holiday traditions I’m still learning. Despite six years of living in NOLA, I find myself learning something new (and more often than not, interesting) every year. This leads me to my newest discovery, Mr. Bingle. Yes, I know, it’s awful that I didn’t know about this legendary character until recently but at least I’m learning about him now, right? For those of you, who …

Holiday Sales: What You’re Doing Wrong

Wow, where has the time gone? 2016 has seemingly flown by and we are looking at the start of a new year. However, if you are a business owner you know that you don’t want to get too far ahead of yourself. After all, the end of the year push can equal big sales. The National Retail Federation estimated that holiday sales in 2016 (sales from November and December) would rise 3.6% over the same period last year. Just how much sales are we talking about? $655.8 billion. That is a staggering number, one that can leave your head spinning …

Super Bowl 2015: The Best and Worst Ads | Velocity Agency | New Orleans, LA

This year’s game stunned us, and it wasn’t just the final score or what some are calling the worst play call in Super Bowl history. It was the brands. While some of last night’s commercials were inspiring, some should serve as a cautionary tale for years to come. Specifically, Anheuser-Busch aired a sarcastic attack ad against the ever-growing craft beer industry. At first glance, one might understand their stance, as their dominant market share has slowly started to erode due to the growth of the craft beer industry. The moment that gave many viewers pause was the us-versus-them declaration of, “Let …