The Times They Are a-Changin’

The New York Times Magazine, one of the most read print magazines with over 1.5 million copies sold per week, is getting a makeover. The reason? To introduce both the physical publication and digital magazine to the new era of web design.

New York Times Magazine Re-Design Velocity Agency Advertising New Orleans

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That’s right, the 118 year old publication is re-writing the rules of print design for the better. Remember that just a mere 20 years ago, print used to influence the way we designed for the internet. Today, The New York Times Magazine readership lives both on and offline, and editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein and design director Gail Bichler are very aware.

The re-design hopes to bring online and print editions (and readers) closer together, with a classier and more modern look. To begin, the Sunday supplement is getting a heavier paper stock to give it a more literary, book-like, feel. Old typefaces have been replaced with custom design: slab-serifs for blocks, call-outs and headlines, and elegant sans-serif fonts for body copy.

The page spreads now look cleaner, as the magazine went from a 12 to a 7-column layout. Former GQ art director Anton Ioukhnevets stripped down the layout to make it feel more web-like, adding emphasis on fluidity and visuals. Both the print and online editions use full-bleed images and the same approach to typography, which distinguish it from the more traditional and conservative look of The New York Times.

Changes to the online version bring in a responsive layout along with a strong sense of organization, thanks to the airy negative space.

Check out the online version here and get the Times this Sunday for the print edition.

Velocity Agency is a digital marketing and advertising firm specializing in digital and internet marketing & advertising, print, web design, graphic design, film, and HD video promotion and post-production. Velocity serves clients all over the United States from our Metairie, LA office just outside of New Orleans by strategically implementing proprietary tools and techniques to get you the most conversions for your business through lead generation, cost-per-acquisition, and top line revenue.

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