Picture Perfect: Velocity Agency Hires Two New Designers

Two new graphic designers! It was a Merry Christmas indeed as we are proud to unwrap our newest team members. Scott McCarthy and Keith Margavio took very different roads to arrive at Velocity Agency but they share one important thing, pure talent. Buy Local Scott McCarthy is New Orleans born, Kenner raised. After graduating from Holy Cross, Scott attended the University of New Orleans where he picked up a degree in fine arts. When he isn’t designing and animating at Velocity Agency, Scott often finds himself rooting for the Saints, Tulane, UNO and the Cubs, or as he puts it, …

Epic Marketing Fails

Sometimes, you’ll see an advertisement isn’t very well-thought-out. Maybe their placements are unfortunate (or is highly unfortunate), or their logo isn’t well designed (or is poorly designed). Every now and then, you’ll release an advertisement that you’ll regret immediately and will become the butt of jokes all over the internet. Below are some examples of what we would like to call Marketing Fails and why you should think, really, really hard, about making sure your ads convey the right message.

The Times They Are a-Changin’

The New York Times Magazine, one of the most read print magazines with over 1.5 million copies sold per week, is getting a makeover. The reason? To introduce both the physical publication and digital magazine to the new era of web design.     That’s right, the 118 year old publication is re-writing the rules of print design for the better. Remember that just a mere 20 years ago, print used to influence the way we designed for the internet. Today, The New York Times Magazine readership lives both on and offline, and editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein and design director Gail Bichler are very aware. …