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Velocity Agency Has the Halloween Marketing Professionals!
Are you looking for Halloween Marketing Professionals? Just last year, Americans spent a whopping 8.4 billion on Halloween. This is not news for corporations with brands spending millions of dollars every year on Halloween inspired marketing campaigns. The spooky season has become just as big as Christmas or the super bowl. Here at Velocity Agency, we love to come up with holiday-themed marketing campaigns and when it comes to inspiration, we look all around us. Here are six Halloween marketing campaigns that proved to be largely successful.
Snickers: Horseless Headsman
Snickers conquered Halloween with the famous horseless headsman concept. A goofy play on words that was a huge hit. Snickers launched their “you’re not you when you’re hungry” and has won awards at every major creative gathering including Cannes Lions, and the Emmys ever since. This campaign helped increase global sales of Snickers by 15.9 % and grew market share in 56 of the 58 markets in which it ran. This Halloween commercial takes the successful idea and puts a spooky twist and was largely successful.
Nike: Run For Your Life
We all know the scene in every slasher film movie where the girl is getting ready for a night out in the bathroom and there is the scary villain. The slasher never catches up with the victim because of her Nike shoes!
Burger King: Scary Clown Night
Do you remember all the clown sightings? How could you forget? Burger King’s largest competitor is and always has been Mcdonalds and what better way to take an aim at them than launching #ScaryClownNight? If you dressed like a clown, Burger King would give you a free Whopper.
Bacardi: Dress to be Free
Bacardi took a unique view of Halloween with this campaign celebrating people who dress up every day and those who liberate themselves through costume. Brazilian Carnival is known for their beautiful carnival dancers and stunning costumes.
Which one of these campaigns was your favorite? We love celebrating this spooky holiday with Halloween themed marketing campaigns. If you are looking for a marketing agency in New Orleans, we are ready to take your brand to frightening levels of success! Contact us here.