halloween marketing

Velocity Agency Has the Halloween Marketing Professionals!

Are you looking for Halloween Marketing Professionals? Just last year, Americans spent a whopping 8.4 billion on Halloween. This is not news for corporations with brands spending millions of dollars every year on Halloween inspired marketing campaigns. The spooky season has become just as big as Christmas or the super bowl. Here at Velocity Agency, we love to come up with holiday-themed marketing campaigns and when it comes to inspiration, we look all around us. Here are six Halloween marketing campaigns that proved to be largely successful. Snickers: Horseless Headsman Snickers conquered Halloween with the famous horseless headsman concept. A …

Learning About Storytelling from Found Footage Films

The Blair Witch Project is still one of the most beloved horror movies of all time. On a budget of $60,000 and a grossing of $248.6 million, other filmmakers took note of the film and followed suit. The Blair Witch Project is an excellent example of found footage: a subgenre in film that is presented as if they were discovered video recordings. Found footage films make sense for horror because it puts the viewer in the shoes of the story and allows them to experience scares more viscerally and directly. People love horror movies, but sometimes being spoon-fed demons and …