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Marketing Strategy Don’ts: Twitter Edition | Velocity Agency | New Orleans
In light of the recent Baltimore Raven’s Ray Rice domestic violence tape that went public this Monday, and in response to harsh comments made by public spectators, women everywhere who have been victims of such brutality are taking a stand. Hashtag #WhyIStayed lets women tell their true tales of horror and despair in hopes to raise awareness on a subject often hidden in the shadows. Grievous dialogues include, I knew if I left he’d try to kill me and, My fear to leave was greater than my fear to stay, and, I figured if I could hide my bruises I could hide my reality. DiGiorno Pizza’s twitter account also participated in the social media trend:
Of course, it took DiGiorno’s content managers a whole ten seconds to click on the hashtag before they realized the domestic violence platform they were using to sell a frozen pizza. Since the short lived tweet the company has sent out hundreds of personalized apologies stating that, in general, the company is sorry for not looking before leaping into such vulnerable territory and DiGiorno assures it’s audience that it would never poke fun of such a social injustice.
Let’s take a look at some other companies who have used a similar, horrible social media marketing technique.
Epicurious, a website devoted to recipes and all things food, posted this on their twitter account in the midst of the April 15th Boston Marathon bombing.
Gap really wanted to reach out to the survivors of Hurricane Sandy day seven into the storm here.
Kenneth Cole, sitting comfortably in designer clothes and air conditioning, posted this to their twitter feed.
This NYPD promotion backfired brutally when people began hashtagging the police department’s horror photos.
When McDonalds asked it’s customers to hashtag their dining experiences with #mcstories, they received many responses that looked like this.
NRA posted this the same day as the Aurora movie theatre shooting, Colorado’s deadliest massacre since Columbine.
Whether it is due to user error or just bad taste, mistakes are rarely forgotten. One person’s failing can be representative of an entire company. Data is spreading quicker than ever on today’s stellar information highway and even a window of twenty seconds or less can prove deadly. It is absolutely critical to read, review, and repeat before you finalize that Tweet. At Velocity Agency, we offer our clients careful integration and management of their social media in conjunction with their overall marketing strategy. Check out our work and contact us for a consultation.
Velocity Agency is a digital marketing and advertising firm specializing in digital and internet marketing & advertising, print, web design, graphic design, film, and HD video promotion and post-production. Velocity serves clients all over the United States from our Metairie, LA office just outside of New Orleans by strategically implementing proprietary tools and techniques to get you the most conversions for your business through lead generation, cost-per-acquisition, and top line revenue.