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Have You Evolved? The Evolution of Casino Marketing
There is no question that in the gaming industry the winds of change are blowing. The combination of constantly changing technology with the ever changing tastes of millennials have left some casinos scratching their heads.
However, not all change is bad, and perhaps most importantly not all change is unexpected. Back in November, 2015 Global Gaming Business Magazine (GGBM) published Ten Trends for 2016, an article where they discussed in detail trends that were expected to impact the gaming industry in 2016.
So, how accurate were these predicted trends? I’d like to call your attention to the their third trend for 2016, Analyze This. The staff at GGBM noted that use of modern technology would not only impact the games but also the marketing of those games. The article claims that embracing these new technologies is, “…vital for operators who want to reach their most valuable customers, discover their entertainment preferences, and win and retain their patronage.”
“…they are expecting more and a better selection based on quality, price, value and speed.”
This GGBM prediction could not have been more spot on. The benefits of a modernized approach to casino marketing and gaming advertising is being seen throughout the industry.
With all that being said, a shockingly large amount of casinos still rely on outdated marketing techniques. Not only does this practice leave them with a smaller customer base, it also leaves them with an aging and ever shrinking base.
“…guests want to make sure they maximize their dollars and experiences…”
The use of modern casino marketing and gaming advertising is more important than most realize. Using data based upon customer’s habits, non-gaming hobbies, and the region they are from can help casinos expand their reach. Once you have expanded your reach you can start to tailor what you offer to best fit the needs of your customers. According to GGBM, “…guests want to make sure they maximize their dollars and experiences, with food and drink included in that, most times with a mobile device in their hand. It is not enough to just have a food court or a collection of quick-service operations for guests to walk up to, as they are expecting more and a better selection based on quality, price, value and speed.”
Velocity Agency has years of experience working with casinos to help modernize and streamline their advertising and marketing. We’d be glad to go over your current marketing and advertising strategy with you. Fill out the form below and we can setup a phone call or a meeting.