SEO Building Blocks

Consistency is the key to success in conducting SEO for businesses, both local and national. In order for your business to succeed in SEO, you must be consistent in the multiple building blocks of digital marketing. Overall, in the early stages of SEO, there are five basic building blocks to follow. Emphasizing and mastering these building blocks will provide a basic guideline and establish a consistent online presence for your business.


Building Blocks:

k eywords:

Keywords are the most important aspect of establishing your online presence because they allow your business to consistently appear in the appropriate areas of focus. Keywords remain important anywhere from web development to brand awareness. When creating advertisements, you can target your desired consumers via page titles, meta-descriptions, and title/alt image tags.

c ategory:

Along with relative keywords, you must also establish a category for your business. This is easier said than done. This shouldn’t be one of the  broad categories that people use to describe certain products or services; it needs to be tied into the keywords that will optimize search results. Identify a category of business for tools such as Google Places, and use that category to find keywords that will help synchronize consistency and optimization.

l ocation:

The physical location of your business should appear online first and foremost so customers can locate you in person.  But you must also make sure that the addresses of your location(s) are consistently placed online across all third party search engines and websites. Your business can lose out on potential customers if directories feature incorrect location information.

l2 istings:

Referral website listings for a company are crucial to the “networking” aspect of your company and getting your company’s product or service through related sites. The more popular the referral websites, the better opportunity your company has for brand awareness. When establishing an online presence, your company must attach itself to more established sites to better build your online reputation.

i nteraction:

Lastly, once you’ve established your company’s online presence through keywords and listings, you must engage in social interaction. Social interaction is important for the early stages of optimization because of the consumer experience. Consumers are becoming more and more demanding, looking for personalized relationships with not only family and friends, but also with businesses. In the beginning, your responsibility is to reach and out and respond to your customers.

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