The Pets of Velocity Agency

Do you love pets? You’ve met all the humans of Velocity, but now it’s time to meet the Veloci-dogs! In honor of National Dog Day, we thought we’d introduce you to our favorite furballs!


Layla Sutton, Social Media Manager

“This is Brother! I named him this because I have a younger brother who lives in VA that I am really close to and when I moved to New Orleans it was hard to not live in the same area as him. I got him in January when he was 6 weeks old so that I would have a walking partner and someone to explore the city with and he has become my best friend. Brother loves food more than I do which says a LOT. His favorite things to do is steal cotton balls from the bathroom, go to the dog park to play with other dogs and he’s actually a really good cuddler. His favorite toy is his giant tennis ball. ”

Beau Runnels, Editor

“I never had a dog, but my dad did raise a wolf. Her name was Feather and she was a sweetheart. She loved children, especially the chewy ones. This is a photo of my dad reading to some school kids, Feather was there to protect him in case one of the little thugs tried to knife him. Feather had a scar on her nose from when she found out porcupines were indeed not made from pork. She called them Needle-Rats from then on… Feather also talked, but cursed a lot. RIP Feather 1995-2011”


Linda Nickerson, Office Manager
“This is my dog Abby.  She is 5 years old and was a rescue from the 9th ward in New Orleans.  She has two cat brothers (Coal and Stanley) to protect her!!”


Josh Spencer, SEO Manager
“This is Nala. She is a Pitbull/Lab mix and her favorite things in this whole world are rolling in dirt, tug of war, trying to get on my side of the bed, and smiling.”


Alex Dufresne, Jr. Editor
“This is my sister’s boxer, Balboa Seabiscuit, but we call him Bo for short. His hobbies include staring at interesting things off camera and relaxing on his private Yacht. He is also the reason I refer to Beau Runnells as “Human Beau” when talking to my family. I know I could just say “Dog Bo” instead, but that would be silly. “


Alison Pitre, Account Manager
“Meet Chuy, we rescued her from the streets of New Orleans about 4 years ago and she has had my heart from the first day I saw her. She is the sweetest little Chihuahua in the world! On a fat day, she is 5 lbs. She howls like a wolf and spins like a ballerina when excited. Meet Gidget, she is half Chihuahua and half Corgi. We adopted her from the SPCA 3 years ago. Don’t let her teddy bear good looks fool you…she will tear your face off. Meet Tchoupitoulas, we adopted her from the SPCA about 5 years ago. She is a pit bull mix. Tchoup likes to spend her days laying on the sofa watching Steve Harvey. She also likes to go for short walks on the levee. She loves playing with Chuy.  She is afraid of cats.”


Emily Kranz, Media Assistant
“This is Dexter. He’s a 2 1/2-year-old Shih Tzu. His hobbies include indulging on treats, chasing frisbees that are bigger than he his, and pretending he’s from Endor by rocking his Ewok costume.”


Danielle Doty, Social Media Manager
“Spooky and Savage were the only two in their litter. They are long haired dachshunds who are inseparable and love to get into trouble. I originally planned only to adopt one, but then I came home with two puppies. Oops! Spooky is full of energy and always up for an adventure, whereas Savage is patient and gentle (except with lizards).”


Chase Treadway, Web Developer
“This is Delta, AKA ‘Hot mess’. AKA ‘That’s not your food.’ AKA ‘no ma’am.’ AKA ‘I’m sorry, my child is a con artist, and I’m not responsible for those genes'”

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