Velocity To Premiere New Products/Services at NIGA Tradeshow

The gaming and entertainment industry is one of the most dynamic and rapidly growing industries in the world. Velocity Agency is proud to be a marketing and advertising authority for this industry. Velocity has years of experience working with casinos to help modernize and streamline their advertising and marketing. With the gaming industry growing at such a fast rate, it is becoming imperative for casinos to utilize strategic marketing to define their brand and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Velocity Agency has been working hard to create new products and services specifically meant to aid those in the gaming industry, and we can’t wait to reveal them at the 32nd Annual Indian Gaming Tradeshow and Convention in San Diego! We are ecstatic to share our strategies for success at the convention which has established itself as the foremost event for the Indian Gaming industry. We proudly support an organization dedicated to advancing the lives of Indian peoples economically, socially, and politically.

The National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA), a non-profit organization of 184 Indian Nations, was incorporated in 1985 with the purpose of furthering the ability of Indian tribes’ to attain economic self-sufficiency through gaming and other forms of economic development. NIGA works in tandem with the Federal government and Congress to develop sound gaming policies and practices. As another organizational function, NIGA seeks to maintain and protect Indian sovereign governmental authority. Not only does NIGA keep an excellent record of advancing Indian people’s welfare, but tribal gaming is also a benefit to the entire nation. In California, for example, The California Nations Indian Gaming Association, says tribal gaming supports about 63,000 jobs and pays about $400 million in tax revenue to the state.

The Indian Gaming Tradeshow and Convention is arguably the definitive example of Native American success. Not to mention it’s only the largest gathering of casino executives in the country! Will you be in San Diego April 10-13? Catch Velocity at the Indian Gaming Tradeshow and Convention and allow us to offer our unique perspective into the gaming industry and learn how we can help your brand stand out among the competition!

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