Top 10 Principles of Great Agency Design

SethMarket Information, Professional Development Leave a Comment

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Pay attention. Take notes. Understand the scope of the project. Ask many questions. The more you know about the project the better the design will reflect the message.

Take Criticism as a Challenge
When a project receives constructive criticism it is an opportunity to make it even better. There is always room for improvement and nothing is perfect.

Fonts are our friends
Remember that the font is part of the design and treat it that way. The words in the design are not an afterthought but are equal and part of graphic. Take command of your typeface.

Stay technically current
New tools, applications and technologies are coming out every day. Stay current. Learn and grow as much as humanly possible.

Don’t have a “Style” 
Each client is unique so your creative needs to be unique. Custom design and ideas are so important for every project. Quality is key.

Knowledge is power. Share technical knowledge and ideas. The stronger each team member is, the stronger the team.

Know the trends
Be aware of the trends but don’t be “trendy.” Stay informed on what is popular and know what to use and what to avoid.

Just say NO
Say no to bad design or a bad idea even if it comes from the client. Being bold and confident in your creative conviction is a valuable asset.

Walk away
It was a great idea in theory but it wouldn’t come together. Ideas need to be concise and clear. If the message isn’t coming through, no matter how cool, the idea needs to be put away. But put it on a shelf, if it truly is cool. It might be perfect for something else.

If you are not having fun, then what is the point.


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