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Say Hello to Zack, Our New Junior Account Assistant
Outside of work, Zack has many hobbies: working out, outdoor activities such as hiking and kayaking, listening to live music and exploring the fun atmosphere of New Orleans. Zack is also an accomplished DJ; he owns a collection of musical equipment and runs a popular Soundcloud account! Given the scope of the work Velocity Agency engages in, we have a feeling those skills will eventually find their usefulness in the office setting too.
Zack hopes to move towards the production side of what we do here at Velocity as time progresses because he has a profound interest and passion for film production. Zack hopes to deepen our relationships with our clients through his research and represent us as a company in the best way possible. We know that with his hard work and dedication, these goals will be easy for Zack to achieve. We are happy to welcome such a well-rounded team member to our Velocity Family! Welcome, Zack!